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Thursday, March 15, 2012


WHAT UP JAMMERZ? This is Darling PrettyLilly for Jammerz HQ!So testing is almost over. THANK GOODNESS! Anywho today's animal is the monkey! I don't understand WHY but for some reason monkeys aren't very popular.... hmmmmm....  Well anyway I googled some pics (again) does anyone know how I can take pics without a camera on my computer? So monkeys live best in the forest and the monkey shaman is Graham. Oh and I forgot to tell you and couldn't find a picture but the BUNNY shaman is peck. So monkeys dance SUPER awesome and play like they're King Kong! I don't care whats popular the monkey is quite a cool animal to get if you want a animal that where it goes, fun follows. And im SURE they would be fun to adopt! Seriously, I'm lookin' for one. There are tons of different ways to design a monkey too! How will you design yours? Once I saw a monkey that was all green, had the evil yellow eyes, and had a green puffy hair thing on around Christmas going around saying "grrrr I'm the grinch!" See? There are tons of possibilities so adopt YOUR monkey today! Well see ya Jammerz Darling out! P.s.  there is a hint here about tomorrow's animal...... can YOU find it?

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