Welcome to Jammerz HQ!
The place to go for AJ info! Enjoy the site!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
The End
I'm sorry Jammerz, but it's almost the end of the homeschool year which means I send my laptop back. I can't get on AJ anyway. I'm sorry but this is the end of Jammerz HQ. We have had some good times and I'm about to cry as I write this. You may have seen I've changed my entire profile. That's because I'm starting a new blog that I can update using my tablet. I will be taking on the identity of "Hoops and Yoyo" the coolest character of "Hallmark" ecards. Go ahead and check them out. If you don't really care and would rather look at animal jam blogs, there are plenty out there, better than mine. I want to thank all of you for visiting, commenting, and doing the polls. The movie "One way or another" is cancled. As much as I hate to do this, I'm completely forgetting about animal jam. I hate the thought of it but I have to. I'm sorry it had to end like this. If I could log on one more time, I'd send everyone I knew that got on here a gift. I would send them my rares and shut down my account for good. But I can't and I have to go out like this. I'm sorry to say it but I won't be visiting any other AJ blogs. If I'm quitting for good, then why look and see what's going on? If there's a way to delete a blog, I'll probably do so with this one. I'm sorry guys. But if you DO have an intrest my new blog "Hoops and Yoyo Daily" will be up and running soon. You'll be able to find it by searching "hoopsandyoyodaily.blogspot.com". Well, goodbye forever Jammerz. Maybe one day I'll get a laptop to keep and start this back up, but until then, this is Goodbye. - Darling no longer.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Sorry Jammerz! AJ still won't load! It's getting ridiculous! Well until it works, AJ HQ is one hold. May-13-2012.
Monday, May 7, 2012
WHAT UP JAMMERZ? This is Darling PrettyLilly for Jammerz HQ! So I took a look at the polls today and I see some people want a guest writer again! So when she gets home from school my sister will do another fashion post! I hear from huntinbear that she's pretty funny so I guess you'll get a good laugh out of it! I'm still working on getting AJ but I SWEAR the second I do, I'm going on and looking for new stuff! So just hang in there if you can and I'll talk to you guys soon! OK See ya Jammerz Darling OUT! <3
Thursday, May 3, 2012
One way or another comercial
WHAT UP JAMMERZ? This is Darling PrettyLilly for Jammerz HQ! So you know how I said in my first video that I would do another post? Well here it is! I put the commercial for "One way or another" on YouTube but I figured I'd show you guys too. Here is is! Oh and huntinbear? I hope you can log on tonight (May 3rd) so we can film part one! :) Well here ya go Jammerz......
Look cool? I hope you can check it out on YouTube. Search "animal jam poor bunny visits the dentist" and choose the first video. Then view my other videos! Well see ya Jammerz! Darling OUT! <3
WHAT UP JAMMERZ? This is Darling PrettyLilly for Jammerz HQ! So I finally saved up enough for the silver brick! I also took advantage of making the video to show you the AMAZING diamond phantom! Enjoy....
Also Jammerz, I have changed up the blog a little. I have some new polls up and stuff like that! Well see ya Jammerz! Darling OUT! <3
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Diamond Phantom!
WHAT UP JAMMERZ? This is Darling PrettyLilly for Jammerz HQ! I was looking back at some older posts of mine and I saw how far this blog has really come! Thanks to all of you viewers! This blog wouldn't be what it is if it wasn't for you guys!<3 So ANYWHO I went to epic wonders today to see how much more I need to save until I can buy a silver bar and I saw one of the most amazing things I've EVER seen on AJ! The DIAMOND PHANTOM! It's absolutely amazing! I can see why it's 7,500 gems! It is basically one of those giant phantom statues like there were at Halloween only made of diamond! It's absolutely amazing! I hope all you member viewers can save up enough to buy one! Well see ya Jammerz! Darling out!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Monthly Gift!
WHAT UP JAMMERZ? This is Darling PrettyLilly for Jammerz HQ! I logged on today and got one of those annoying cards from AJ HQ saying why I should become a member. ANYWHO members get "phantom invasion" to put on their dens. LUCKY THEM! Phantom Invasion is a super cool game! If you haven't tried it, I suggest you stop reading and go play it now! OK does anyone else like the old version better? The one where you guessed the color instead of trying to hit a moving target? I loooooove the prizes you can win too! My friend "ilovemysister7" won a gold stand prize for that! Cool huh? Well that's all Jammerz! See ya! Darling out!
Monday, April 30, 2012
WHAT'S UP JAMMERZ? SOOOOO sorry for not doing the AJ news last week. I totally forgot! OK but here it is. It's back!
Friday, April 27, 2012
Appondale, puzzle, and movie calling!
WHAT UP JAMMERZ? This is Darling PrettyLilly for Jammerz hq! So I finished Appondale, solved the newspaper puzzle, and realized something important. So check out the video to see....
Thursday, April 26, 2012
WHAT UP JAMMERZ? This is Darling PrettyLilly for Jammerz HQ! So I logged onto animal jam today and saw in the paper that there is a scavenger hunt in Appondale! The prize is a pet tree so I'm not sure how much use non-members are gonna get out of it. I saw the winner of the furniture contest and frankly, I love it! It was soooo much better then my "clothes rack" idea! It also said in the paper that there is something BIG coming! All you gotta do is use the scattered letters in the paper and solve it! I was about to log back on and solve it, but AJ is doing another update :(. OH WELL! I can't wait to see what it is! I also noticed that AJ is REALLY emphasizing the pet games! There is a new game every time the Jamaa Journal comes out! That's good news to people with pets. Makes me a bit jealous but hey most sites you can't even decorate your house without a paid membership! So AJ is by FAR the best non-pay site. Can't WAIT until AJ comes back. I only have one more thing to find in Appondale! Then I can make a video showing you where to find the items! Well see ya Jammerz! Darling OUT! <3
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
WHAT UP JAMMERZ? This is Darling PretyLilly for Jammerz hq! So I had the BEST animal jam day EVER yesterday! I highly recommend the movie Fauna's Revenge on YouTube. I'm a total Fauna's Revenge FREAK and I saw she (fauna) was opening a restaurant in her den. I went and I about passed out when I saw that she was THERE! We talked, I told her I was a fan and then she sent me a buddy request!!! I then saw the OTHER star of the movie arrived to talk to fauna and he buddied me too! He was such a gentleman! So we hung out with him at the aquarium after Fauna logged off. And the best part is, they said I might be able to be in the next part of the movie! So keep checking for new parts of the story! OK see ya jammerz! Darling out! Don't forget, the user is "hinwer" go check out the restaurant!
Sunday, April 22, 2012
WHAT UP JAMMERZ? This is Darling PrettyLilly for Jammerz HQ! So I have a surprise for you Jammerz! OK go on youtube and type in "animal jam poor bunny visits the dentist" (quotation marks not needed)
-----------------------------------------------------(rest cant be viewed until you do that)-----------------
Look familiar? If not, look in my previous posts. I also have 2 other videos! Enjoy Jammerz! I will need some parts for the movie, so sign up through comment! Well see ya Jammerz! Darling out!
-----------------------------------------------------(rest cant be viewed until you do that)-----------------
Look familiar? If not, look in my previous posts. I also have 2 other videos! Enjoy Jammerz! I will need some parts for the movie, so sign up through comment! Well see ya Jammerz! Darling out!
Friday, April 20, 2012
Finally back!
WHAT UP JAMMERZ? THIS IS DARLING PRETTYLILLY FOR JAMMERZ HQ! I'm finally back from TN sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry how long it's been! So I'm so pumped about a new epic wonders item! The silver bar, it's special because it's non member! I have been asking for non member for months! WOO HOO! Sadly, it's 5,000 gems!!!! Not sure how long it'll be before I can buy one. Does anyone still visit the site? Well see ya jammerz! Darling out!
Sunday, April 15, 2012
New glitch!
WHAT UP JAMMERZ? THIS IS DARLING PRETTYLILLY FOR JAMMERZ HQ! So I'm still in TN with my grandparents and I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry that I haven't posted! So I decided to make it up to you by telling you how to do the Jamaa township glitch! :D OK so what you do is go to the Mira statue area and get close to where the chicken egg is/was (didn't check yet ): ) If it's NOT there check my previous post "the big reveals" to see where it was. OK so when your there get a nametag up. Then click the red roof on the announcement board thingy. On the way there quickly send and cancel a game request! You have a 50/50 chance of making it up on the first try, so be persistent. Then enjoy being up there and have some fun! But DO NOT tell anyone how to do it! I'm not trying to be mean. If too many people know about this glitch.................... IT GETS FIXED! 00
0- GASP!
Well that's all for the Jamaa glitch! See ya Jammerz! Darling out!
0- GASP!
Well that's all for the Jamaa glitch! See ya Jammerz! Darling out!
Friday, April 13, 2012
Monkeys suddenly rare!
WHAT UP JAMMERZ? THIS IS DARLING PRETTYLILLY FOR JAMMERZ HQ! So now that monkeys are endangered ANYTHING monkey themed is CRAZY rare! There are people willing to trade GLOVES for something monkey themed! Luckily I have a monkey plushie saved! I wonder at the possibilities............. ANYWHO if you DO have monkey stuff, SAVE IT SAVE IT AND AGAIN I SAY SAVE IT! Not permanently but for a long time so that suddenly it's crazy super omega rare when you finally DO decide to trade it! I mean I should know! I'm STILL saving halloween stuff and it's in popular demand. I was pretty upset to see that you can now WIN the scary horns, I mean I was saving those so they would be rare :( oh well I still have my Frankenstein mask, the take one candy bowls, the lights, and a tombstone. I don't celebrate Halloween or anything I just saw it a a great rares opportunity! Wow I TOTALLY rabbit trailed there! LOL! ANYWHO save that monkey stuff trust me they aren't bringing them back! Well see ya jammerz! Darling out!
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Well Jammerz, monkeys are now officially endangered. :( Luckily I bought one weeks ago! Anyone else think there will be monkey parties and save the monkey rallies out the wazoo now? I do. Oh and by the way, the reason I didn't post YESTERDAY was because I was on a 14 hour drive to Tennessee! I may or may not be able to post some days because we are spending as much time as possible with our grandparents. In OTHER news, Jammerz can now go to an underwater party as well as enter a contest to design the new den item I am for once going to ENTER that contest! Also members can now adopt bunny pets which I can't help but think is a tiny bit awkward......... also we can now click the "endangered" banners and learn all about endangerment and how we can help it. Well see ya jammerz! Darling out!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Crazy Things to do in Jamaa Township
WHAT UP JAMMERZ? THIS IS DARLING PRETTYLILLY FOR JAMMERZ HQ! So today I did another list, actually I haven't done one in a while...... ANYWHO this list is for people whose friends that might find them weird and leave you are offline.
10. Yell something absolutely crazy in the center of town like "THE BEARS ARE COMING"
9. Tell random people that you baked them a pie, if they walk away follow them and ask "Don't you want it?" if they say what flavor yell "PIE FLAVOR!"
8. Dress absolutely crazy and try to start a flash mob
7. Submit a howl and then yell it
6. Do the glitch there and sit at weird random places
5. Yell something like 'HAVEN'T YOU GUYS HEARD? SERAPIA FOREST IS THE NEW JAMAA TOWNSHIP!" Watch the reactions.
4. Get a cute bunny and walk up to a random girl wolf and say "there woo are mommy!" see what they do!
3. Go "window shopping" even though there are no windows!
2. Ask random people for directions (think for a minute, directions? makes NO sense on animal jam!)
1. Send members stuff out of the blue!
That was my list jammerz! Go ahead and tell me what you think! OK see ya jammerz! Darling out!
10. Yell something absolutely crazy in the center of town like "THE BEARS ARE COMING"
9. Tell random people that you baked them a pie, if they walk away follow them and ask "Don't you want it?" if they say what flavor yell "PIE FLAVOR!"
8. Dress absolutely crazy and try to start a flash mob
7. Submit a howl and then yell it
6. Do the glitch there and sit at weird random places
5. Yell something like 'HAVEN'T YOU GUYS HEARD? SERAPIA FOREST IS THE NEW JAMAA TOWNSHIP!" Watch the reactions.
4. Get a cute bunny and walk up to a random girl wolf and say "there woo are mommy!" see what they do!
3. Go "window shopping" even though there are no windows!
2. Ask random people for directions (think for a minute, directions? makes NO sense on animal jam!)
1. Send members stuff out of the blue!
That was my list jammerz! Go ahead and tell me what you think! OK see ya jammerz! Darling out!
Monday, April 9, 2012
The Jammerz HQ news!
WHAT UP JAMMERZ? THIS IS DARLING PRETTYLILLY FOR JAMMERZ HQ! So yesterday I told you something new was coming right? Well here it is!
The "not knowing we were rolling" done by Darling was totally on purpose and for your entertainment. Well I hope you enjoyed it jammerz! Darling out!
Sunday, April 8, 2012
WHAT UP JAMMERZ? THIS IS DARLING PRETTYLILLY FOR JAMMERZ HQ! SOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY I DIDN'T POST! I was at youth convention. I WANTED to tell you guys but there was a flu going through the house and I didn't wanna tell you I was leaving and then not leave. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY! Something new is coming tomorrow it's............ wait for it...............wait for it........................ keep waiting!.......................... OK the next time I will tell you.............................. it's.... YOU HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL TOMORROW! :D See ya then jammerz! Darling out!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Bad jammer
Hey jammerz. I just want to tell you about a bad jammer. Her user is poplop009. You see, she adopted my little sister and she was what my 7 year old sister called "the best animal jam momma ever". She logged on earlier and saw that her mom was on. She went to where her mom was, she went up stairs so nobody would see her for a while and when she came down her mom has unfriended her and sarted yelling things t her like "YOUR NOT MY DAUGHTER GET OUT OF HERE!" She kept trying to get her to change her mind when finally the mom yelled "LOOK YOU ANNOYING KID! YOU'RE NOT MY DAUGHTER! GET OUT OF HERE AND LEAVE ME ALONE!" My sister told me everything. This isn't the same fashion post sister. My seven yeaar old sister is so depressed! She is crying at the moment. She is so upset. So remember this bad jammer. Oh my sister wants to say something (there MAY be some spelling mistakes)............ Hi im darling pretylillys little sister. The jamer she is talking about is mean! She broke my hart. We always had so much fun together, then she yelled at me and left a boo boo on my hart. Ok now back to my sister. That was my little sister. You may THINK that AJ is just a site. But to my little sis it's more. Just wanted to show you this mean jammer. See ya jammerz! Darling out!
The big reveals!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Cocoa Machine!
WHAT UP JAMMERZ? THIS IS DARLING PRETTYLILLY FOR JAMMERZ HQ! I noticed the new member monthly gift is a hut cocoa machine. And my first thought was That's so cool! But I could hardly hear that thought over a louder thought saying WHAT ON EARTH? IS AJ TRYING TO GET RID OF THE COCOA HUT? After a loooooong conversation of thoughts I decided it was just cool. It works JUST like the one in the cocoa hut, but you don't have to leave your house! Well that's all jammerz (sorry I know short post) Darling out!
Monday, April 2, 2012
Spotlight Rare of the day!
WHAT UP JAMMERZ? THIS IS DARLING PRETTYLILLY FOR JAMMERZ HQ! Time for the spotlight rare of the day! Today's item is.... wait for it ................. WAIT FOR IT ......................OK the rare of the day is, THE RARE TIARA! It is NON MEMBERS it is a black crown, so apparently members cant change it to black THAT or they are giving NON members a different color. It takes a while to see it cause it's second to last in Jam mart clothing. I got one and I gotta say, it looks pretty cool when you wear it! Well that's all for Monday rares see ya jammerz! Darling out!
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Saturday, March 31, 2012
WHAT UP JAMMERZ? THIS IS DARLING PRETTYLILLY FOR JAMMERZ HQ! So after the octopus came out, some jammerz have been in octo-palooza! They have an octopus, every octopus related item, and only buddy octopuses. How do I know this? One of my school friends is one of these people and proudly (almost TOO proudly) showed me her proud octo-paloozaness! I think octopuses are cool, but I still would rather have a horse :D. You know jammerz, there was a hint that the turtle AND octopus were coming! Let me show you.....
See? You can also see a seahorse! I like it when AJ hides stuff and it's up to US we lucky jammerz to find them! Like that time when....... no no or that time when you had to...... no............ lets just say there HAVE been hidden hints that you have had to find and I can't remember because I have a headache. Well that's all for the octopi or octopies or something? Oh I don't know what they are plural( JOKE it's octopuses plural)! I just know that this post about them is over! See ya jammerz! Darling out!![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjMqKGmL89HCJkDqYEEITWSEhrVn_UpphaeGeQ6-FM3q2dsinJ87GQMdGz_-RHL7z28dHakUZ38wg4YYQT1N46J1PnzWl1lS80Hsi1K_c4GHD3V6cRju_Ch5DJCwNckLtgMIq7f94N8yM8/s1600/o1.jpg)
Friday, March 30, 2012
Victory's Moment Final!
WHAT UP JAMMERZ? THIS IS DARLING! So you know how I said that the final one might be late? Well here it is! It isn't late! Yaaay! I just wanna tell you guys it's 1:36 AM! And here I am posting this, so when you wake up in the morning you have this. :). So there are quite a few spelling mistakes but nothing major. Enjoy!
Well that's the end guys! I hope you liked it despite the many many MANY mistakes. Well see ya jammerz! Darling out!
Egg Hunt Prize
WHAT UP JAMMERZ? THIS IS DARLING PRETTYLILLY FOR JAMMERZ HQ! So I FINALLY finished the egg hunt, most people cant find a certain egg....... it's in Canyons Pathway. You win a GIANT egg on a pedestal! It doesn't do anything when you click it, but it sure looks cool! Oh and the final "Victory's Moment" video might be a BIT delayed. Well see ya Jammerz! Darling out!
April fools party!
WHAT UP JAMMERZ? THIS IS DARLING PRETTYLILLY FOR JAMMERZ HQ! So there is a brand new party! The April fools party! It's amazing! EVERYTHING is upside down and Topsy Turvy! Members and non members alike can buy all kinds of upside down stuff! You can walk on the sky too! And it's NOT a glitch! I loooove it! Have a good April fools day! Go ahead and comment on how you pranked people! See ya jammerz! I'm gonna go enjoy the festivities! Darling out!
Victory's Moment pt. 4
HEY JAMMERZ! THIS IS DARLING! So I'm sooo sorry I didn't get part four up yesterday! My sister was sick and stuff so I was busy. But here it is! Ilovemysister7- Malduso, young victory, and doctor. Ilovemyfam- Victory, victory's mom Superguy928- Dad Huntinbear- Maldusia, and cat. Another big shout out to huntinbear YOU ROCK AND YOU CRACK ME AND MY FRIEND UP WITH THIS FACE.... 0_0! Keep it up! Anywho, enjoy the movie.....
Final Part coming soon!
Thursday, March 29, 2012
WHAT UP JAMMERZ? THIS IS DARLING PRETTYLILLY FOR JAMMERZ HQ! So there are all KINDS of new things out! The octopus is here! And go figure it's members only. We can now type our messages in our jam-a-grams too! There is also an egg hunt! I have done them before last year and they are sooooooooo fun! And now there is a new game for members to play with their pets! As well as a journey book for Serapia forest! There is also the horses only party now! And the contest winners for the name tags are out now! Congrats to Twinkle Clevergem, Fuzzy MajorBunny, and Blossom CottonGirl! And you have until April 12th to get a monkey (probably when the next newspaper will be out too)! Well thats my first post jammerz enjoy all the new stuff jammerz! Darling Out!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Victory's Moment pt 3
Hey jammerz! Soooo sorry I took so long to post part three! So are you into the story? Is it really good? OK enjoy! Ilovemysister7- traitor, Malduso, Ilovemyfam- Victory, Superguy928- dad Huntinbear- Maldusia. OK here is part three of five!
AJ back on!
Hey Jammerz! I was GOING to post about AJ being back on last night but it was 1:00am and still nothing! So I just went to sleep. Nothing changed really just a mandatory system update. OK see ya jammerz!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Victory's Moment pt. 2
I told ya it was coming quick! Here is part 2! Enjoy! Ilovemysister7- vamp named fauna, doctor Ilovemyfam- victory.
Huntinbear- vamp named flora And AJ is down! I will post as soon as it's up again!
Huntinbear- vamp named flora And AJ is down! I will post as soon as it's up again!
Part 3 coming soon!
Victory's Moment: The younger years.
So I finally got part one done! Here is the cast and crew...... Ilovemysister7- evil vampire named fauna and young victory. Superguy928- the dad. Ilovemyfam- victory and vicory's mom. Huntinbear- teacher at fight school, vampire named flora, and pet cat. Thank you SOO much huntinbear you rock! You know my bff is ilovemysister7 but you are a VERY VERY close second! OK enjoy the movie! Oh and full screen is best.
Part two coming soon! Real soon......
Oh and part one of the movie premiers TODAY!
Monday, March 26, 2012
New movie coming soon!
So jammerz, I posted a "trailer" of a movie we are making, guest starring our contest winner huntinbear! I did rate it and I'm not sure if it's the right rating because you know, it's animal jam. Well anyway here it is. ENJOY oh and BTW huntinbear is sooo cool! YOU ROCK HUNTINBEAR!
So as you can see, pretty cool right? Well see ya jammerz!
Contest Over!
Well Jammerz, the contest is over. The winner is Huntinbear! Congrats huntinbear! All you have to do log onto animal jam and whenever ilovemysister7 is on, go to her and tell her you are the contest winner. She is my bff that has free chat and she will give you the info. It's that simple! And you don't have to give me the account back. Enjoy the account huntinbear! Well jammerz, no telling WHEN the next contest will be so check back often! See ya jammerz! Darling out!
AJ Fashion (by my sister)
Hey jammerz, so my sister is about to start her post OK? She is a bit into fashion and what not, but you should enjoy it. OK her post starts............. wait for it.............. WAIT FOR IT................. almost................NOW! Thanks lets talk about CLOTHES!!!! Our first subject is gloves.As we all know everyone loves those gloves .People say they look the best on rabbits and some say wolves. I think they look really good on both but I am gonna have to go with............RABBITS!!I chose rabbits because the gloves takes up there whole arm on a wolf it only takes up part of the arm. Our second subject are horns.Horns are really popular why? I have no idea. I don't want to offend anyone who wears horns but what is the point of having horns coming out of your head? They do have cool patterns but, really?Next are necklaces those i can see animals wearing not horns coming out of their heads like I said if your animal wears them them and you like then that's fine. Last but not least capes i can also see animals wearing, not horns.well that's all back to you sis................. Thanks sis. Well Jammerz, if she gets a blog or not is now up to you! OK maybe FOUR posts today :D Well see ya jammerz! DARLING OUT!
Spotlight Rare Of The Day!
WHAT UP JAMMERZ? THIS IS DARLING PRETTYLILLY FOR JAMMERZ HQ! My sister is taking longer that expected on her post so I gave her some more time. ANYWHO I know I usually do the animal first but decided not to so you would know the rare first! The Monday rare is........................................ The "Rare Tie" AGAIN it's mebers only! I wish it wasn't members only for a MONTH NOW! BTW you only have like, two more hours to enter the contest. It ends 3/26 at noon. So I included a video about the rare because I couldn't find pictures. I have to say I'm not good with words unless it's on the blog. I will probably do two more posts to show you how the whole road trip is coming. Well see ya jammerz, Darling out!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
So maybe, if we talk them into doing an ostrich they will do some sort of desert kinda thing! Well to be perfectly honest, I cant think of much else to say. Oh and my little sis, is trying to start a blog so I'm letting her try a post on here, do a :) if you like it and :( if you don't OK? And the contest ends tomorrow at noon. SEE YA JAMMERZ DARLING OUT!
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Big news!
WHAT UP JAMMERZ IT'S ME AGAIN! So I have big news....... we have a contest! The contest is to win an AJ account with the following features: 1,052 gems, an already decorated den, every non member clothing item for sale right now, me as a friend, a few rares, and extra furniture for decorating! I started the account for the contest and it's finally ready! The animals it has is a boy and a girls seal so if your a boy you can recycle the girl and vice-versa. This isn't some scam where I log on and drain you of your stuff. I'm a Christian remember? Here is how you enter, comment your user and WHY you should win the account, then send a buddy request to ilovemyfam and ilovemysister7 (my friend that will give you the info). You have until Monday. I made the user and password either gender friendly it's not girly or boyish, it's neutral. See ya jammerz! Happy commenting!
B: Think they're cool. Wel thats all for rhinos jammerz! Darling out! Oh and I feel much better now :)
Friday, March 23, 2012
Funny pics 2!
WHAT UP JAMMERZ! IT'S ME AGAIN! So I promised you funny pics 2 and here it is! OK the first one I find HISTARICAL what do you think?
Maybe because you have a huge eye
focused directly on you, but that's just a guess......
OK I LOVE this next one........
I wonder what happens next
This next one is pretty clever.......
WHAT UP JAMMERZ! THIS IS DARLING PRETTYLILLY FOR JAMMERZ HQ! So the weather has been CRAZY nice hasn't it? Our two REAL horses are so happy to be warm again and to have grass and not hay. ANYWHO today's animal is the horse (why do I even give the animal an intro? You know what animal it is from the title. But I will keep giving it an intro because it's fun to do an intro)! Horses frankly are my favorite member animal. If I could have ANY member animal it would no doubt be the horse.... or maybe an octopus when they come out.... or a.... LOL I was totally kidding I would choose a horse. Horses play like bucking bronos and dance by uh kinda running in place or is it a moonwalk? I know for a fact that horses live best in Coral Canyons which is shown true in this picture.
<------------ Horse in epic wonders
Horses don't seen to be as popular as they first were, but that's true about EVERY animal. Like have you noticed the spike in monkey adoptions ever since they are becoming endangered? I still cant believe that, but our subject ISN'T monkeys it's horses. Horses to me personally are the best member animal to go with, they fit in well, they look cool, and they are just... cool! Horses are quite fun to watch walk as with many other animal to see exactly HOW they walk like bunnies hop in the CUTEST way and seals flop around. Any member that DOES do a horse maybe can put together like the ultimate horse barn. Any pic you comment on the site I will be sure to use and give you total credit, then a bunch of people will know you have an awesome den and maybe even check it out! Well that's all for horses jammerz! Check back for my second post later! See ya jammerz! Darling out!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Honoring the monkeys....
HEY JAMMERZ! ME AGAIN!So I made an"Honoring the monkeys" video where you hear my REAL voice. Enjoy! Oh and it has SOME mistakes, but hey, there is more movement right? And did you notice the monkey's FULL name? I named "myself" after one of my animals that ever since I started has had the name "Darling PrettyLilly".
Road trip pt. 1!
WHAT UP JAMMERZ? IT'S ME AGAIN! So do you reember a few posts ago when I told you about ym road trip I do yearly? Well I'm doing it sooner this year since the weather is so nice. I made a part 1 video. OK so here are some mistakes you will find: The music often will not sound right I was playing it o my tablet and couldn't get the timing right, you will here some pumping and clicking because my tablet kept bumping into the laptop, I also forgot to show you the bed area but it is the two "beds" in that are near the kitchen, and I made a few music mistakes like stopping it too soon or too late DURING the video. If the mistakes get too annoying go ahead and mute the video, I don't talk in it anyway.
What I tell ya? Quite a bit of mistakes. But I hope you learned how to make an RV. You don't NEED all those shoji screens, I didn't last year. I hope this helped you plan a fun spring activity! See ya jammerz! Darling out!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Top ten ways to throw a fun party!
WHAT UP JAMMERZ? IT'S DARLING AGAIN! I'm sooo excited 'cause angry birds SPACE comes out tomorrow! I'm an angry birds fan. ANYWHO I think my 2nd post today should be about how to throw a totally awesome party. So I decided to do it in list form.
10. Use a lot of torches to decorate.
9. Make it a costume party!
8. Put a bunch of animal banners up and have a "Jammers United " party (yeah uh "jamerz with a Z is my thing)7. Give your party a certain theme (ideas... Royal ball, sports, fashion, baby, etc)
6. Make it boys/girls only.
5. Wait until your baby is on and show her/him off.
4. Plan some games, (dress up contests, dance off, etc.)
3. Put plushies everywhere
2. If you have any BIG items like phantom statues, candy canes, etc make them a literal centerpiece
1. Hire a "celebrity" to perform.
That's all for me jammerz! Darling out! PEACE!
P.s. Sorry if the post isn't very good, it's 11:05pm at my house and I was about to go to sleep and I remembered I promised two posts! Goodnight Jammerz!
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